Friday, April 22, 2011

Life With No Sports Or No Life At All?

            What would life be like without sports? Does anyone really know the answer to that question? I believe that there is not a definite answer to that question because sports have been around since I can remember. So, again I ask myself, what would life be like without sports?
            Sports are of huge importance to our society and culture. On Sundays most men across the country are locked in a lazy boy watching Americas wonderful sport. This is the joy football brings to more then half of Americas population. Sundays are known to be football days for almost half of the year. So could you imagine what this new football lockout would do to society? This football lockout would leave people devastated, without a sense of knowing what to do on Sunday’s. Football is away to get away from all your surrounding problems. Without football people would have to figure out some other ways to occupy there time on Mondays and Sundays. For the first year it would be hard to get over the fact that there is no longer any football, but eventually people would have to move on. Athletes would have to focus their talents elsewhere and try to get a better education because without sports they would be left with nothing. They would have to live their lives as the average citizen. This could benefit society in many ways, but there are also just as many ways that it would hurt society. Sports play a huge role in society and everyday life. It would be crazy not having sports as an influence of our everyday lives.